historische Kommunikation


Your access to German history & archives

 What we can do for you
We can provide you with almost any document stored in historical und business archives in Germany, both in the original and translated into English; we are also able to research specific aspects of German history of interest to you. We conduct oral history interviews with experts and witnesses and can provide you with ready-to-publish English testimonials (as well as the original audio recordings).

How to get in touch with us
The best thing to do is to start by writing us an e-mail detailing your question and – if applicable – which documents you are looking for. We will reply as soon as possible stating whether we can help you, how much time we will need, and what the expected costs will be. Of course, there is no charge for this first step.

Please note that we might have to decline your assignment due to time constraints or because we cannot help you with your specific question. In this case, you will receive a short note stating the reason for our refusal and suggesting alternative courses of action wherever possible.

Why you should consider timefab
We are professional business historians. Having worked for many organizations of various sizes, we know how to provide reliable answers.

Want to try us? – Send us an e-mail to stephan@timefab.de

This is the Leipzig branch of the German National Library, one of many research institutions we can access to help you with your projects. (picture credits: Frank Vincentz, CC-BY-SA 3.0)

This is the Leipzig branch of the German National Library, one of many research institutions we can access to help you with your projects. (picture credits: Frank Vincentz, CC-BY-SA 3.0)